
ISO 28001

Discontinuities or security problems arising in the supply chain adversely affect the organizations. It is of greatest important to correctly identify and manage the risks associated with such organizations supply chain.

The safety and security of people, goods, tools and infrastructure should be of grave importance to the relevant companies and bodies. ISO 28001 is developed to organise operations of security within the broader supply chain management system, and this standard sets out best practices for implementing supply chain security, assessments and plans

ISO 28001 Supply Chain Security Management System Certificate can help organizations eliminate impact on firms, such as breaks in the supply chain rings or security problems. It is important for such firms to correctly identify the risks that may arise in the supply chain and manage them effectively. ISO 28001 is an international standard which defines the requirements of the Supply Chain Security Management System and provides a management model for organizations seeking to implement it

This standard is applicable to all types and sizes of organizations that:

  • develop and implement supply chain security processes;
  • establish and document a minimum level of security within a supply chain(s) or segment of a supply chain;
  • assist in meeting the applicable Authorized Economic Operators criteria set forth in the World Customs Organization Framework of Standards and conforming national supply chain security programmes.


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